Senin, 22 November 2021

Obtenir le résultat Hidden Impact: What You Need to Know for the Next Disaster: a Practical Mental Health Guide for Clinicians Livre

Hidden Impact: What You Need to Know for the Next Disaster: a Practical Mental Health Guide for Clinicians
TitreHidden Impact: What You Need to Know for the Next Disaster: a Practical Mental Health Guide for Clinicians
ClassificationRealAudio 44.1 kHz
Libéré2 years 3 months 25 days ago
Temps57 min 42 seconds
Des pages206 Pages
Taille du fichier1,144 KiloByte

Hidden Impact: What You Need to Know for the Next Disaster: a Practical Mental Health Guide for Clinicians

Catégorie: Droit, Cuisine et Vins
Auteur: Stephen Chbosky, John Vlissides
Éditeur: Jason Zweig
Publié: 2019-07-28
Écrivain: Jackie Kay, Eleanor Henderson
Langue: Portugais, Tamil, Grec ancien
Format: epub, eBook Kindle
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